what is the important of physical distancing

Outline essay

1.      Title : What is the important of physical distancing now?
2.      Topic Sentence  : The importance of maintaining physical distancing when covid - 19
3.      Supporting sentence  :
a.       Physical distancing is a limit physical distance to human only
b.      Bad things if not apply physical distancing
4.      Conclusion
Physical distancing is very important to  handling covid-19  transmission


                                  What is the important of physical distancing?

                 Today, the world today, mortality increase rate on side the world. Because of the phenomenal pandemic covid-19, the population are affected by the pandemic. No one is unaffected. Despite that goverment work hard to decrease for the high risk, and protect the citizen with health protocol policy. One of that physical distancing. Therefore, this paper to describe to know about physical distancing, about very important distancing. 

                      Physical distancing or limitation of physical distance is an effort made to control the spread of Corona virus infection and prevent COVID-19. When you done  physical distancing, you are can't to travel to crowded places, such as malls, restaurants, markets, and gyms, or fitness centers. As much as possible avoid using  public transportation which is also crowded with passengers.
You also need to limit direct contact, such as shaking hands, and keeping a safe distance of at least 1 meter when interacting with others, especially if the person is sick or is at high risk of being infected with the Corona virus.

                    Physical distancing is very important for now. How don't? Attact from covid-19 pandemic caused some people even all had a very extraordinary impact. Activities that are usually carried outside, now it must be done at home. Activities that usualy together, now must be done alone. Who usually communication at close range, now must maintain a distance. Even have to use online media.

                           Physical distancing start to be introduction by the goverment sine the confirmation of the first case in Indonesia. Physical distancing be done to slow the transmission of covid-19. This is very important because covid-19 transmission from one human to another human with drophlets.

                           Why should we be done? because we don't know anyone who has been infecteed to covid, it may be that a person who looks healthy turns out to have been infected with covid, if so, it means he is a carrier of the virus, but he don't kno it, the danger he causes soaring people who are infected with covid,  if he infects parents or people who have low immunity how?

                         What happens is the parents and people who have low immunity will be infected covid, with severe symptoms, and can also cause death. As is known now, because it does not keep the distance of patients in East Java soared to a great range of 3,939 East Java residents infected with the corona virus as of Tuesday, May 26, 2020. Why did this happen? because its citizens don't obey the rules for physical distancing.
then who is bothering who? All !!!.

                        Even so physical distancing also has a negative side, namely because over time physical distancing can cause social symptoms to decline, and people can be more individual.

                         From this, it is very important for us to apply phsical distancing, because large drophlet can move a distance of one meter, for small ones move more that a meter, if you don't be infecteed covid -19 and not be a carrier, please be done physical distancing.

            from this,w can know that physical distancing is very important to slow the transmission of covid-19.  By doing physical distancing we save several lives. 


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